25 Remarkable Years
When Lorette Garrick first walked in the doors…
of the George Spady Centre as Executive Director (later changed to CEO) on June 1st, 1997, there were two programs, Shelter and Detox, 20 staff, and no email, computers or policy and procedure manuals. To say there’s been a lot of change since then is a huge understatement. Today, we have 12 programs at 6 sites, 200 staff, a comprehensive Systems Map SharePoint site, and procedure manuals for all programs and processes. As Chief Executive Officer, Lorette has led the agency through remarkable growth in response to the needs of the homeless and chronically addicted community in Edmonton.
Given all the dramatic growth and change over the past 25 years, this is a perfect time to see what stands out for Lorette from the agency’s evolution. But it’s also a good time to learn more about Lorette’s path to Spady. Let’s do that first.
Lorette’s Background:
A Registered Social Worker since 1986, Lorette worked for the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission for 10 years, starting as a Client Care assistant at Henwood, then working as an Addictions Counsellor at High Prairie before becoming the Clinic Manager and Counselling Supervisor in Athabasca. With that background, Lorette was ready to step into the leadership role at the George Spady Centre. In this role, she remains connected to the community and new developments in the field through the many boards she has served on in the areas of addictions and mental health and disability services.
In looking back on 25 remarkable years, Lorette identified program and organizational highlights that stand out for her:
Program Highlights:
The acquisition of George’s House over 15 years ago as our first off-site program, first as a detox transition house, then permanent supportive housing and now palliative care.
The Spady Clinical Access Team. This model took us to the next level of clinical services, and I am so proud of this program and its evolution over the years. (This also reminds me that Laura Kozack, no longer with GSS, was a big part of our visioning as an organization and service design at that time. In fact, Laura and I job shared for 5 years.)
The start of all the new programs and services within Spady and our ability to innovate and create services that did not exist previously, including SSPSH, Cloverleaf Manor and George’s House Palliative Care.
Seeing Spady’s long term Vision and Mission realized, with a continuum of supports across the spectrum from harm reduction to addictions treatment and housing, with an enhanced focus on clinical and medical services.
Organizational Highlights:
Realizing the entire scope of our quality improvement system and seeing that in action. Developing strong systems across the agency and having the evidence that those systems improve services across the organization.
Having strong administrative and leadership teams that help all of us make a real collaborative effort to drive forward in the same direction.
The ‘Accredited with Exemplary Standing’ status we just received – that’s a huge milestone!
When asked what has kept her motivated over the past 25 years, Lorette’s answer perfectly sums up the past 25 years at the George Spady Society under her leadership: “Our ongoing growth in service excellence and new program creation and innovation.”
Thank you, Lorette, from all of us for the vision and guidance behind this agency’s ability to serve this community in such innovative and responsive ways over the past 25 years.