Health Support Team (formerly MST)

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Who does the Health Support Team Serve?

The George Spady Society Health Support Team (HST), formerly the Mobile Support Team (MST), serves individuals in need of medical care or crisis supports in order to improve health outcomes, quality of life and wellbeing. Individuals who utilize these services will be residents of Supportive Housing (SH) or participants of organizations that support persons with complex mental health, substance use disorders and medical issues.    

The HST services are available on a regular daily basis to help meet each resident’s unique needs.  A housing first and wellness recovery approach are embedded into program services.

Staff includes Health Care Aides, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Crisis Workers. The team is mobile, operating between sites and available to the SHs for support on request.

Medical and Crisis Interventions

The HST team primarily performs the following the interventions:

  • Wound care

  • Mental health first aid

  • Transport to medical appointments

  • Assistance with independent living skills (hygiene, nutrition, recreation etc.)

  • Crisis prevention

  • Crisis diversion

  • Crisis response

  • Mood modulation

Referral Criteria:

  • Housed

  • Independence to ambulate and mobilize

  • Scheduled or consistent care needs

Contact the HST Program:

Senior Manager – Health Support & Balwin Permanent Supportive Housing Teams
Tara Sobey
587.635.0468 (24 Hours)