Supportive Housing: Holyrood


About the Program

Holyrood is one of four Supportive Housing (SH) programs that the George Spady Society (GSS) offers in Edmonton. Holyrood Supportive Housing is a 4-story, 63-unit building operating in southeast Edmonton in partnership with Homeward Trust. Elevators and 12 low-barrier suites enable the site to accommodate individuals with reduced mobility. Holyrood provides a safe managed environment for all genders who require permanent supports to maintain their independence in the community. The program operates from a wellness recovery perspective and provides residents with the skills and knowledge required in tenancy, with tenancy that falls under the Residential Tenancy Act.

The Holyrood site provides affordable housing with onsite support helping individuals rediscover their life, utilizing recovery capital. Recovery capital is the assets one has to move towards their goals and build on.  An example of this is having strong friendships or other stable relationships that can support an individual through the journey of recovery.     

 The environment at Holyrood supports the rediscovery journey through both individualized and group supports that encourage personal development, self-determination and overall well-being.  George Spady Society is committed to fostering recovery and promoting stability through innovative and compassionate care.  Our approach is grounded in evidence-based practices, trauma-informed care, and a steadfast dedication to the dignity and well-being of each individual we serve. Our approach also demonstrates the alignment of GSS services with City of Edmonton’s updated Plan to End Houselessness and the Homeward Trust Edmonton Supportive Housing Program Standards.  

Working towards recovery and stability for the participants we serve, we use accreditation standards and data.  These tools provide us with the ability to track our work, making changes quickly when needed.  

 Services Available

All residents have individualized care plans in consultation with Case Managers.  In addition,  Recovery Alberta will provide support to residents at Holyrood, offering each individual connection with personalized care to meet their unique needs. 

This support includes in-reach, consultation, assessment and connection to addiction and mental health supports as indicated.  The team can also advocate for and support connection to various medical care supports through collaboration with other healthcare teams:

  • Housing stability

  • Quality of life improvement

  • Connection to mainstream activity

  • Meaningful daily activity

  • Individual and community safety


Referrals for Holyrood Supportive Housing come from various sources including Homeward Trust Edmonton Coordinated Access.

All applications for residence in supportive housing are screened to ensure applicants meet eligibility requirements. Following the initial application screen, a multidisciplinary team will review the applications to determine:

  1. If the applicant requires further assessments to determine level of support

  2. If the applicant’s needs match the services offered

  3. Alternative community resources and supports for the applicant if supportive housing services are not appropriate

Learn more

See the Holyrood Program Good Neighbor Commitment

Review the Holyrood Program Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the Holyrood Program

Program Manager
Joanita Udinyiwe