GSS is Going Green

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CL-ISP Tomato Madness

After an informal start in 2019, the tomato starter crop looks ready for a professional trip to the farmer’s market in 2020.


“I go to nature to be soothed, healed and have my senses put in order.” Naturalist, John Burroughs, is describing a budding theme in GSS programs and spaces.

Last summer at the Cloverleaf Intensive Supports Program (CL-ISP) in Warburg, a new client wanted to start a mini-vegetable garden. Staff provided seeds, soil and pots—the client provided the care. His passion caught the attention of others and a team of CL-ISP clients and Manor residents helped with watering and then transferred over 30 hardy, three-foot plants to larger pots.

How is the tomato season at Cloverleaf this year? John Norton, Program Manager, reports amazing growth: “We had so many plants this year we ran out of planters so we shared with PSH and staff could take some home. I think the final total was between 97-110 plants.”

Meanwhile, in Edmonton, the Clinical Access Team (CAT), is very aware of the benefits of nature for healing and rejuvenation. That led to the launch of a new group program that staff and clients are excited about: The CAT’s MEOW - Meaningful Engagement and Overall Wellness.

MEOW came together through participant and Peer Support group input. The vision is that, through no or low-cost activities, newly housed individuals can get to know urban natural environments around the city. By accessing their own community and coming together in natural settings, MEOW participants will be maintaining and supporting their mental and physical wellness. 

Let’s all take advantage of this proven and timeless way to support our mental and physical wellness. Go to for links to any type of outdoor area or activity you’d like to explore in Edmonton this season. Want to start your own bumper tomato crop but with some company and support? Check out the Community Crop site, a volunteer driven non profit community gardening society in Edmonton at

Expect to be “soothed, healed and have [your] senses put in order.”