MST Going Strong
‘Ready’ and ‘responsive’…
are words that fit the 10-person Mobile Support Team (MST). This unique GSS program supports persons with complex mental health, substance use disorders and medical issues on an as-needed basis. And data shows this team is needed often—for example:
Last year MST did over 3000 medical or health care interventions, 800 nutrition, hygiene, life skills or recreation interventions, and almost 1000 crisis-related responses.
Just in December, the team responded in some way to 122 crisis situations.
Tara Sobey stepped into the Senior Manager role at MST almost two years ago. She is still amazed by this diverse, unique team. Seven of the 10-person team, an LPN, Health Care Aides, and Crisis Workers, are based at Balwin while 2 LPNs and a Health Care Aide do community outreach.
Tara says the LPNs and HCAs “…humble me every day with the scope of their practice.” Their services are broad, including pharmacology awareness and education, wound care, foot care, STI referrals and substance use needs and supports, and connecting individuals to doctors and specialists. LPNs are self-regulated, so their care plans are based on rigorous professional competencies and guide the work of HCAs. In a way, Tara says it’s almost like working alongside of rather than managing the LPNs.
The LPNs and HCAs work closely with care plans, but the Crisis Workers are all about responding to unpredictable, potentially volatile situations. Tara’s description of skills needed in this role is impressive. Strong analytical thinking, decision-making, and communication skills are combined with the ability to quickly notice and respond to warning signs and potential triggers. With strong trauma informed knowledge and an understanding of mental health, Crisis Workers help individuals learn more about self-regulation so crisis can, ideally, be prevented. Data does tell a prevention story. Of the 1031 interventions reported by MST Crisis Workers last year, almost half or 459, were crisis prevention responses.
Looking back on the past two years, Tara says the most surprising thing about this team was how much they wanted to learn and grow. She says, “They have a passion about continuing improvement and it’s not often so many want that on a team.” With MST’s focus on responding to changing, complex needs and unpredictable events, it sounds like these team members are in the right place to continually learn and grow.