Client Focus Groups - a GSS Fall Tradition

Focus group feedback gets acted on

Focus group feedback gets acted on


It’s fall, the time for traditions like Halloween and Thanksgiving. At GSS, client focus groups are a fall tradition. Since 2015, clients from different programs have volunteered to spend time talking about their GSS experience with our Chief Executive Office or a Director.

During the focus group, clients are asked questions about key service areas like safety, communication, and family support. The last question, “What would you say to a Board member?” has led to some interesting responses like this invitation from a Shelter client, “Come and spend the night here.”

Though focus groups are only an hour long, each group involves much organization. Program staff are key. They contact clients to explain what is involved, recruit participants, and then advise central staff of volunteers. Then central office staff get into action and prepare the materials used at the focus group.

Normally, Tim’s coffee and donuts would be a key part of the session but, unfortunately, masks and hand sanitizer have replaced food treats. Clients still get a $10 gift card for taking the time to give their input.

Is this just a pleasant visit or ‘nice to do’ process? Absolutely not. Program Managers carefully consider summarized group comments and several client suggestions are likely to appear on next year’s Operations Plan for GSS.  Focus group input has led to changes like sites adding more recreational outings and ways for clients to be heard, for example through town hall meetings or suggestion boxes.

This year, despite COVID-19, five focus groups are taking place. Groups will be smaller but the client input will still be heard and appreciated. Thank you in advance to SSPSH, CAT, HF, Balwin, and Cloverleaf staff for helping to continue the client focus group tradition this fall.