Our GSS Data Diva


We know there is great work done across GSS…

But how can people outside the agency quickly understand the work being done and how our clients and community benefit? That’s where data and our new Data Manager come in.

What data says about us

Data can tell a quick, strong story that could, otherwise, take lots of words to tell. People who influence our agency and programs like funders and government representatives, usually don’t have time to read lots of words. Showing the great service at GSS in a simple, strong way can make all the difference.

For example, we know the SCS team is handling multiple client visits 24/7. But just what does that mean? How many people come to SCS?

Look at the story this chart tells: SCS staff handle close to 3000 user visits every month.

And we know SCS staff are doing heroic work responding to opioid poisonings. How often do they have to take that life-saving action?

The chart below shows that the team typically reverses between 80 to 130 overdose poisonings a month (or about 3 to 4 per day). That’s an important community service.

Every GSS program has data charts for service factors like how quickly service or information requests are responded to, how many beds/units are occupied each month, and how many clients are served annually. There are also agency data charts that confirm important safety practices like completion of safety drills and mandatory training courses. Below is a program and then an agency data sample.

Program Example: About 95% of HF clients have maintained their housing over the past year, above the target of 80%. Great work, HF team!

Agency Example: Training is a big part of safety and skilled service at GSS. As this image shows, staff do an excellent job staying current with mandatory training, averaging a 90% completion rate this year.

Our New Data Manager, Lexis Galarneau

As we grow, funders and the community expect more accountability and information, and GSS leaders need more information to help with decision making. In August 2022, Lexis Galarneau joined GSS as Data Manager to help us plan, organize, and share our important data story. Lexis obtained her Master of Public Health at the University of British Columbia, where her experience in statistics grew and her love for harm reduction was solidified.

Lexis already had experience with GSS data. She worked with a local research team the year prior where, in addition to aiding in research on inner city health services and substance use, she supported many reporting duties for the supervised consumption services around Edmonton, including GSS.  That experience and a background in public health meant Lexis could step into the new Data Manager role well-prepared.

As Lexis learns more and more about the data gathering and reporting needs here, she is able to take some of the workload off Program Managers and develop new and streamlined ways to capture and work with data.  Moving forward, Lexis will continue supporting both internal and external reporting to help keep our GSS team, AHS, Homeward Trust, and others in the know about the impactful work of every GSS program. Welcome, Lexis!