Showing Us the Money!


You may remember that last year…

GSS added a brand new staff role, the Grants and Fundraising Officer. Daniel Erin joined us in March, so it's a perfect time to check in with him about that first year. According to some key numbers, it's been a good one.

For example, over the year, 27 grant applications went to different funders. That’s over 2 applications a month. Applications have to be closely aligned with funder guidelines such as new projects or equipment needs because, unfortunately, general operating costs like agency administration or staff costs don’t qualify. Given the specific guidelines, each proposal involved consulting with staff in different programs, writing up detailed grant information and getting the grant in on time. The total value of those applications is striking: $973,235. For now, the success rate is low due to extensive competition for funding but, as we build relationships with funders, that rate should increase.

What about donations from the Edmonton residents? We’ve gotten donations each year because of the strong service and track record of GSS. For the first time, GSS has someone who can connect with community donors regularly and tell them about the difference their donations are making. That is having a positive effect because over the past year, donations tripled to over $30,000. Typically, donations are targeted to areas of special interest or meaning for donors, for example, in memory of a loved one who worked at or was served in a GSS program.

And the positive results aren’t just in dollars. In-kind donations can help meet important agency needs. A perfect example is the lower risk of vehicle damage for downtown staff due to Qualico providing us with in-kind parking at the Epcor tower for a second year. That includes 15 parking stalls for night staff and 2 day passes for prescribers. Another valuable in-kind contribution has been 2 hospital beds from a funder, valued at over $10,000.

All of these efforts and results, Daniel is quick to point out, involved staff across agency levels: “There’s no way I could have done this on my own.” On the other hand, the grant applications, donations, and in-kind numbers wouldn’t have been as strong without Daniel’s focus, skill, and commitment. (And, of course, the donors and funders for whom we’re incredibly grateful.) Overall, it looks like the first year for this new GSS role paid off for everyone!