The ‘Stop Doing This’ List for Success


It’s spring, a traditional time to declutter our closets, drawers, even homes. But what about decluttering our minds? ‘Mindful decisions and actions are the keys to a successful life’ says author Samridh Seth, and advises that we STOP doing these 10 things to move forward with clarity and peace:

1.      Day Dreaming: Stop daydreaming and, instead, use the time and energy to actually work on your dreams.

2.      Ongoing Planning: Do think ahead and be organized but focus on action instead of planning and re-planning.

3.      Waiting for the right time: There is no such thing – just get started and things will fall into place.

4.      Dwelling on the past: There’s no point in ‘crying over spilt milk’. Be here now to use all your energy to move into a successful future.

5.      Focusing on Final Destination: It’s the journey that matters and brings opportunities to improve, learn and excel as you go.

6.      Perfection: There is no such thing so do your best then ‘release it out into the world and see what happens.’

7.      Doubt: This, along with fear of failure, only leads to self-criticism and slows your growth. It’s your world – embrace it without fear.

8.      Overthinking: Avoid overthinking as it can lead to ‘worst-case’ thinking and scenarios that build up our anxiety.

9.      Comfort Zone: Get out there and make ‘the uncomfortable zone your comfort zone. You will come back richer in experience and wiser’.

10.   Blame Game: While it may be easier to blame others than to admit our own faults, that won’t hep us learn and improve. Own failures and use them as steppingstones for success.

Adapted from  10 things to give up for a successful life (